So you want to try a Vancouver Island Motosports Events navigation trial and don’t know where to start…..?

In order to get here ^ you need to start here!
You need a smartphone, one app and the pdf of the route.
The smartphone can be an iPhone or an android. The general principle for both is the same. I’ll concentrate on iPhone.
Download the free app for Rally Roadbook Reader.
This is the app that displays the Roadbook, it has a GPS speedometer, odometer and compass.
Next, open this pdf and export it to Rally Roadbook Reader…
It will look like this:

I have reproduced all of this Roadbook as it is not very long. A typical Roadbook might cover 200kms or more and have a hundred waypoints.
You are ready to go! Follow the instructions. Obey they law. In a car, have a navigator to handle the electronic devices - they are boss! You as the driver follow their instructions!
On a motorcycle, use a handlebar mount for your phone. Stop to adjust the screen display.
There is much (much) more to learn but this will get you started!
If you want to try a backcountry navigation trial, you will need a registered and insured dualsport or adventure bike and a full bike licence.
The VIME events are run over Crown Land forest service roads that are designated as public highways, north of Highway 28.
These events ARE NOT RACES OR SPEED EVENTS! They are run to legal average speeds with GPS timing - more of that later.
Next event is the Sayward September Showcase, third weekend in September. Two days….
See you there… ?
Jonathan Binnington
Proprietor Vancouver Island Motosports Events